Atoosa Nikoukar

PhD Candidate in Entomology

Curriculum vitae

Southern Piedmont AREC

Virginia Tech

2375 Darvills Rd, Blackstone, VA 23824


Peer- reviewed Journals

Efficacy of Naturally Occurring and Commercial Entomopathogenic Nematodes Against Sugar Beet Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae)

Atoosa Nikoukar, Pooria Ensafi, E. Lewis, D. Crowder, A. Rashed

Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021

Limoniic Acid and Its Analog as Trap Lures for Pest Limonius Species (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in North America

W. V. van Herk, E. Lemke, G. Gries, R. Gries, Jacqueline M. Serrano, H. Catton, K. Wanner, P. Landolt, W. Cooper, S. Meers, Atoosa Nikoukar, Jocelyn L. Smith, S. Alamsetti, F. E. Etzler

Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021


Efficacy Evaluation of Yellow and Brown Mustard Concentrated Extract Against Sugar beet wireworm, Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae), in Wheat

Nikoukar A., I. Popova, K. Schroeder, J. Hansen, A. Rashed.

81st Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference Abstracts, 2022 Jan, pp. 55-57

Sugar Beet Wireworm (Limonius californicus) Mortality in Response to Yellow and Brown Mustard Green Manure


Dryland Field Day Abstracts, , Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report UI-2021-1 , 2021

Wireworm Species Differ in Wheat Plant Damage Under Well-Watered and Drought-Stressed Conditions.


Dryland Field Day Abstracts, , Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report UI-2020-1, 2020

Oviposition and Larval Development of the Hessian Fly Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidmyiidae) on Different Host Plants


Dryland Field Day Abstracts, , Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report UI-2020-1, 2020

The effect of in-furrow application of pyrethroid in rotational crop in reducing wireworm damage in subsequent wheat


Dryland Field Day Abstracts, , Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report UI-2019-1. , 2019

Trade Journal Articles

To Till or Not to Till?

A. Rashed, R. Sadeghi, A. Nikoukar

Idaho Grain Producers Association Magazine, Boise, ID, 2021 Jun, pp. 34-35


Working Papers

Evaluating the novel RNAi for reducing wireworm damage in wheat

A. Nikoukar, Sara Hendricks, Kimberly Andrews, Arash Rashed



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